In Review

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Book Review Catherine Hall Book Review Catherine Hall

Book Review: Stolen Focus

Hari builds a convincing case: the odds are against us. Almost every digital platform we now rely on is deliberately engineered to steal our attention for as many hours of the day as possible. There is no incentive for this to change.

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Book Review Catherine Hall Book Review Catherine Hall

Book Review: Animal

The premise of Animal is unapologetically bloody from its first passage. After witnessing a former lover commit suicide - a public, gruesome performance seemingly intended to permanently mark her with the tragedy - Joan drives out of New York to a sweltering rented house on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

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Book Review Catherine Hall Book Review Catherine Hall

Book Review: Elly

Elly is the debut novel from Berlin-based filmmaker and short story writer Maike Wetzel, translated to English by Lyn Marven. Eerie and lyrical, it offers a unique twist on the well-worn missing persons archetype.

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Book Review Elizabeth Robinson-Griffith Book Review Elizabeth Robinson-Griffith

Book Review: Suicide Club

Suicide Club manages to be both well-paced and thoughtful. It’s engaging and character-driven while also posing big questions about the inherent value of simply living.

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