In Review

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Film Review Malachy Lewis Film Review Malachy Lewis

Film Review - The Watchers

There are whispers of a great movie in The Watchers, with Ishana’s directorial eye occasionally shining through the film’s middling aspects, however at present her directing style feels imitatively beholden to superficial notions of M. Night’s storytelling sensibilities, and I’d love for her to find her footing amidst the depths of the forest.

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Film Review Ben Virgin Film Review Ben Virgin

Fantastic Film Fest 2024 Review - Divinity

In Divinity, writer-director Eddie Alcazar seems to have crafted a readymade cult object. A film completely furnished with textual references, grotesque violence, hyper-stylised visuals, and mixed media experimentation, seemingly destined to attract a small coterie of like-minded fans and repeat viewers. The only issue is that I can’t imagine anyone sitting through this twice.

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Film Review Ben McLeish Film Review Ben McLeish

Film Review - Dream Scenario

Insightful, fiendishly hysterical, and (albeit slightly overwhelmingly) emblematic, Dream Scenario is a surrealist delirium that moulds one of 2023’s most inventive premises into a deeply moving, melancholic parable on the perks and perils of sudden celebrity.

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Film Review Aimee Traficante Film Review Aimee Traficante

Film Review - Elemental

Elemental shines is in its ability to gently guide you to realise the film’s crux yourself, and in the meantime, present you with vivid characters, fun antics and gorgeous animation along the way.

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Film Review Eli Robinson Film Review Eli Robinson

Film Review - Black Adam

Who are we, the audience, to deny the wishes of such a charismatic hunk of a star, with such incredible eyebrow posture? Grab your tickets folks, 'cos the Dwayne train is about to leave the station.

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