In Review

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Film Review Eli Robinson Film Review Eli Robinson

Film Review - Sisu

Offering up a gold rush of entertaining action and ridiculous predicaments for its masochistically macho protagonist to fight through, Sisu mostly sticks the landing in delivering a satisfying and fist-pumping cinematic experience.

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Film Review Jonathan Hibberd Film Review Jonathan Hibberd

Film Review - Alcarràs

Alcarràs is a moving piece of cinema that will quietly consume you for its two-hour runtime with feelings of awe, anticipation, some chuckles, and empathy for the farmers that put fruit into our homes.

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Film Review Oscar Ragg Film Review Oscar Ragg

Film Review - Marlowe

You’d be hard-pressed to say that its intended audience of older, weekday-matinee filmgoers won’t be satisfied by watching a canonised movie star like Neeson doing his thing as a 1930’s detective. Just don’t expect to be wowed by its stunning execution or originality.

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Film Review Lily McMillan-Merahi Film Review Lily McMillan-Merahi

Film Review - The Blue Caftan

This film, meditative and delicate in its portrayal of two queer men in a muslim country, is important for people being pushed to the margins by ideology that is outdated and homophobic and is therefore an important moment in African cinema, not to be missed.

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Film Review Jonathan Hibberd Film Review Jonathan Hibberd

Film Review - Pearl

If you’re a fan of Pearl’s previous instalment X and expect it to have the same gritty, slasher, exploitation elements to the story, then you may have to limit your expectations for this film.

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Film Review Oscar Ragg Film Review Oscar Ragg

Film Review - To Leslie

To Leslie is a very old-fashioned human drama; a straightforward character study with modest ambitions and a complete disinterest in modern trappings of spectacle, metacommentary, or narrative obfuscation.

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Film Review Jack Watson Film Review Jack Watson

Film Review - Empire of Light

Despite Ward and Colman’s impressive performances, and some beautiful Roger Deakins cinematography, Empire of Light is unfortunately weighed down by a messy screenplay that can’t untangle itself before the credits.

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