Live Performance Review - CLUB NITE

CLUB NITE, a play written and performed by Anjelica Angwin, Lotte Beckett and Matisse Laida, is a humorous take on the Melbourne nightlife scene. The play follows three femmes in Naarm who each play familiar characters that Gen Z Melbournians can all relate to. CLUB NITE showcases a night out where the three friends, a straight girl, a drug-dealing pansexual and a Berlin-loving bisexual, who all want to attend three separate well-known Melbourne hotspots - Yah Yahs, a house party, and a rave at Yarra bend.

At Yah yahs, we see a classic lip sync battle that features a seriously impressive dance routine and an altercation with a drag queen. Yah yah’s sets the tone for the evening and delves into straight people taking up room in queer spaces and allyship – the play is informative as well as hilarious, provoking thoughts and discussion long after the show is over. It also taught me some micro aggressions I wasn’t aware of, and the show felt like a comfortable environment to learn in.  

Throughout the rest of the evening, at the house party and rave, the 3 fight and bicker a lot, allowing for Melbourne’s inside jokes to slide their way in. If you weren’t deep inside Melbourne’s fashion and party scenes - you might not understand them all. From drugs, to brands, vapes, and social media, the play screams Gen Z, but in the best way. Because CLUB NITE is made by young people, for young people – it doesn’t come across as cringe, it’s truthful and relatable. 

I recommend going and seeing this play for some light-hearted laughs about the social climate we live in, without being offensive. The cast’s acting is phenomenal, and they play their characters extremely well -  you’ll feel included, as well as called out for being the poser that we all are deep down.

I am quite interested to see what other performances this team can put on. I have no doubt it will be just as well received and rightfully popular. 


CLUB NITE runs June 21st to June 24th 2022 at MISCELLANIA Club Melbourne. For tickets and more info, click here.


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